Sunday, April 4, 2010

CSS for the Catalyst Project?

Is it possible to get a CSS file for the UI elements we built in our Catalyst Project? In the code view of Fc it looks like all the styles are in-line to the elements.

I'm in talk with our Flex dev team to see if they can use some (if not the entire) of the flex code that is generated by the Fc project in product dev.

thank you,


CSS for the Catalyst Project?

Hey Fu,

This is not a feature in Catalyst today.

However, Flash Builder (as of Flex Builder 3) already has this functionality for extracting inline css into a stylesheet.

You can see the documentation for this here:

So you should be able to create css for the project after importing into builder.

Does this help? Let me know if you have any further questions/thoughts in this area.



CSS for the Catalyst Project?

Thank you Tara. But the tutorial just gives me a way to import individual styles only.

Is it possible to save all the styles in a project to CSS file?

thanks for all your help,

Hi Fu,

I don't know the answer to your I took the liberty of forwarding it to the Flex/Flash Builder forums:


Thanks Adam. I will track this on that forum and once this is resolved I will post an answer here too.



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