Hi Folks-
I have built a TOC in Captivate 4, which I love.?I would like the test, test review and student feedback mosules to show but I don't want the learner to be able to get to these 3 modules of the 8 at will.?Can I do this somehow?
TOC disable some modules?Hi Rita,
I suppose that you activated the Navigation in the TOC to allow the user to navigate to a slide at wish?
You can hide slides in the TOC, just deactivate the box under the eye icon. I'm often doing this to hide quiz slides or to show only group names and hide all the subordinate slides. Of course if a user navigates to a (visible) slide and continues he can get to the hidden slides, but he is supposed to know then where they are in the flow of the TOC.
Is this what you wanted to achieve? Perhaps I did not quite well understand your question.
TOC disable some modules?HI-
No, I know how to deactivate in the TOC.?What I want to do is have the module title show in the TOC, but have it disabled so it wouldn't navigate there if the learner clicked on it.?I only want the learner to be able to click the first five modules.?The last 3 I want him/her to be able to see but not get to.?I am afraid I will have to disable all navigation on the TOC otherwise and I really don't want to do that.
Hi Rita
I'm wondering if you could do that using a ''smoke and mirrors'' technique.
What I mean by that is you could insert some slides that are there for the sole purpose of redirecting a call to them. In the TOC, they would be listed and named as you want the non-navigable slides to be named. Then you would remove the non-navigable TOC slides from the TOC by clearing the check boxes. Then you construct the slide navigation in the new slides to actually navigate to where you wish the user to be.
Hopefully that made some sense... Rick
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Hi Rick-
Can you flesh this out a little bit more for me?
- Add in an extra slide just ahead of each slide I dont want them to go to?
- Then, I name these with the titles I do want to show?
- Then deactivate the slides that were activated before?
- How do I get the learners back to the place I want them?
I doubt that you will be able to disable navigation to some slides in the TOC, but you could fake it by using Advanced Actions. It will be a rather tedious process though if your project is very large.
You need to define a user defined variable for each of your slides so if you have 20 slides you need to create 20 separete variables. The you assign these variables with a value (e.g. 1) on slide enter.
On your ''locked content'' you create an advanced action that will check if each of these 20 variables are equal to 1. It will be a very long Advanced Action and it will take you quite some time to create ;o) If all the variables are 1 then they can view the content (e.g. the Advanced Action has no action). If all the variables aren't 1 then you could pause the slide, display a highlight box to hide the content and display a text caption stating that they need to review all the content before coming here.
Another approach would be to create a user defined variable - call it v_progress or something like that. Then on each of your content slides you increment this variable by 1. On your slides that you dont want them to see before they have viewed all the other content you insert an advanced action that checks for the value of the v_progress variable.
If you have 20 content slides you check if the variable is equal to 20 - if so they are allowed to view the content. If it's lower than 20 then you could set the action to show a highlight box over the content (so it's not visible) and a text box with that instructs them to review all the content before coming here.
The second approach is not so secure since the variable will also be incremented if a user visits the same slide twice.
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I made a quick example of how to ''lock'' slides by using Advanced Actions here: http://www.cpguru.com/2009/10/16/locking-content-in-adobe-captivate-4/
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Thank you!
Hi Michael-
Thank you for your help! I know I am on the right track. I added the variable on enter for the last slide of each section and gave it the value 1. I also built the progress check as you suggested. I created the highlight box and text box as well. Somehow it is not working however. I have attached a pdf of my progress check. Any other suggestions?
Thank you.
Rita Barger
Instructional Designer
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Hi Rita,
There is no PDF attached - I think you need to attach it directly in the forum.
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I have attached two images of my advanced action and how I applied it.?I built six section variables, inserted them on the last page of each section and assigned them a value of 1 on enter, So slide 4 has assign v_section1 Value equals 1, and so on.?I built the text captiopn and highlight box as you iinstructed and know I can't be too far off but it isn't working yet..?Your help is so appreciated.
I found my mistake!?When I was building the variables, I gave them a value of 1 instead of 0.?I needed to give them a value of 0 and then assign a value of 1 on enter and then build the progress check advanced action.?Works like a charm now!
Thank you!
Hi Rita,
Good to see that you figured it out yourself because I have been so busy these last days..
Good luck with your project.
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