Friday, April 2, 2010

Replicating excel based employee work...

Using Coldfusion MX7.?Trying to replicate an employee work schedule currently in excel.?The schedule is built out for the year and looks like so:

1James Brown1230123012301230OFFOFFOFF
1Mark McGuire1230123012301230OFFOFFOFF
1Mike Jordan1230123012301230VACVACVACVACVACVACVAC

All of this data is now in SQL Server 2005 and now displayed on a webpage; but it is built out for the rest of the year (12/31/09).

So, to explain...?The table above shows employees working shift 1, Mon - Thurs (start time at 1230), and OFF on Sun, Fri, Sat.?The number available row shows how many employees they have working for the day.?I need a way to determine what the employees ''weekend'' days are (in this case, they have a 3 day weekend - Sun, Fri, Sat) so I can highlight the column, and not run calculations against those columns.?In this example above, I'm only showing 1 shift, but the other shifts work different schedules, so the column highlights would vary.

I'm wanting to know if there is a way to compare the times worked section (Sun - Sat) where it is NULL (Sun, Fri, Sat), and compare it to the dates section (1/4, 1/5, etc), and highlight accordingly/not run calculations.


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